

Boyfriend final episode spoiler! Are you a couple with Daishun? green room boys thanks

Today it's time for my thoughts on the final episode, episode 10. I'm going to spoil it - I'm lonely! And thank you so much to everyone at Green Room! I was able to meet people with beautiful hearts and see the reality of love.




FP2級 元会社員で主婦フリーランスブログです。This is a freelance blog by a former office worker and housewife, FP2 level.



Now, Dai clearly rejected Ikuo's confession last time. I wonder if Shun is my soulmate after all. And it was difficult for Ikuo to join in the middle. good job!

3 days left



It's Kazuto's turn. I appointed Alan, and Ryota, who often doesn't go well, made a lunch box for me. kind. delicious looking sandwich

Kazuto will talk to Alan once. I guess my feelings haven't settled down yet. .



Now, the last shift is Shundai. These two main characters have always made it exciting. As a surprise, we all went on a coffee truck! Great, I want to go!

It's still youth even without love. Afterwards, we went to dinner. Everyone’s suits are so cool☺



It was a luxurious dinner in a limousine. Our world will probably always exist! On the last day, they called themselves the Green Room Boys!

First, let's leave Taehon. I thought he was a young businessman who I really didn't like, but he turned out to be a counselor who really understood my feelings. And a gal (lol)



Even if it wasn't love, I'm glad I had a good experience. Taehon-san's famous words saved everyone - Shun should be grateful!

Next is Ikuo. Ikuo was rejected by Dai, and at first he seemed to be dressed up, but Ikuo, who was calm and natural, was very attractive. It's big and lonely, isn't it? It looks like it's going to get cool.



The third Ryota confesses again. Kazuto looked tired because he had to shake again, but maybe the atmosphere in this house was good because Ryota was there. I hope that someday I will fall in love with a wonderful person. He was the number one person I wanted to have as a friend.

I thought it would be Shundai in the end, but Shun ended up in 4th place.



First, I hugged them goodbye and confessed to Dai. I was already full. thank you! I want you to be with me forever!

In the end, Kazuto asks Alan to go on a date because he wants to go on a date. It was a happy ending. Good, good, Alan looked happy.



Anyway, the house was stylish and we had a fun life together. I just want them to be together forever, but everyone has left for the difficult world below. I'm sure there are situations where emotional support is needed. It was a wonderful content that allowed me to touch people that I cannot meet in real life, or feelings that I would not realize even if I met them. There are some people who wanted to see more of the inner world, but the content is so rich that I plan to watch it several times.


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