釜寅食べながら、源氏物語「光る君へ」と京都宇治の観光スポットWhile eating Kama Tora, visit the Tale of Genji “To the Shining Kimi” and sightseeing spots in Uji, Kyoto





FP2級 元会社員で主婦フリーランスブログです。This is a freelance blog by a former office worker and housewife, FP2 level.




``To Shining Kimi'' is a taiga with the motif of The Tale of Genji. It's still early days, but I'll be watching with interest. I don't have much knowledge about the Heian period, but I have been to the Tale of Genji Museum in Uji, Kyoto.









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Uji is a place you should visit at least once.

In Uji, Kyoto, where ``Hikaru-kun'' is set, there is the world heritage site ``Byodo-in''. Byodo-in Temple is really beautiful and worth a visit!

Byodo-in Temple was built in 1052 by Fujiwara Yorimichi, who converted his father Michinaga's villa into a temple. The Phoenix Hall, which is built in a pond, has a beautiful reflection on the water and is famous for its design on the 10-yen coin. It was also registered as a World Heritage Site in 1994.

Inside the Phoenix Hall, there is a ``Seated Statue of Amida Nyorai'', a splendid ``Tengai'' above it, and 52 ``Statues of Kuyo Bodhisattva in the Clouds'' on the walls, as well as other national treasures.

You can also see many valuable national treasures at the Byodoin Museum Hoshokan. You can see the Kumo Kuyo Bodhisattva up close, so you can compare the different facial expressions and thoroughly enjoy the detailed modeling.You can also see the reproduction of the interior of the temple using the latest CG, and the reproduction of the interior coloring using high-saturation video. There is also.

The wisteria trellis in spring, the combination of autumn leaves and the Phoenix Hall, and the night illuminations held in autumn are also must-sees.Please try it once! You can't miss the drama either.